Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management, Question for Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
2021 |
UK Parliament |
The world's forgotten greenhouse gas |
2021 |
Knowable Magazine |
The UK's Global Footprint |
2021 |
Germany host the 8th Global Nitrogen Conference, Focuses on SDGs |
2021 |
Top Current Affairs |
COP26 fails to tackle nitrogen in farming |
2021 |
Wicked Leeks |
Nitrogen pollution limits safe margin for other environmental issues, say scientists |
2021 |
Down To Earth |
Nitrogen pollution must be reduced to restore ecosystems |
2021 |
Curbing Ammonia Could Help China Tackle Air Pollution, Study Says |
2021 |
Sixth Tone |
#CleanAirDay: Air pollution is ravaging Wales' wildflowers and the wealth of wildlife they underpin |
2021 |
Plantlife |
A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts |
2021 |
UN |
European Green Deal: Commission aims for zero pollution in air, water and soil |
2021 |
European Commission |
Cutting ammonia emissions may be the best way to reduce air pollution |
2021 |
New Scientist |
Why South Asia needs to tackle a surge in nitrogen pollution |
2021 |
Cutting ammonia emissions is a cost-effective way to prevent air pollution deaths |
2021 |
EurekAlert! |
The five biggest threats to our natural world...and how we can stop them |
2021 |
The Guardian |