
Found 420 results
Reis CRG, Pacheco FS, B.Nardoto G, Forti MC, Ometto JP, Reed SC, Tejada G.  2020.  Biological nitrogen fixation across major biomes in Latin America: Patterns and global change effects. Science of The Total Environment. 746(140998)
Flechard CR, Ibrom A, Skiba UM, de Vries W, van Oijen M, Cameron DR, Dise NB, Korhonen JFJ, Buchmann N, Legout A et al..  2020.  Carbon–nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation – Part 1: Fluxes and budgets of carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from ecosystem monitoring and modelling. Biogeosciences. 17(6)
Flechard CR, van Oijen M, Cameron DR, de Vries W, Ibrom A, Buchmann N, Dise NB, Janssens IA, Neirynck J, Montagnani L et al..  2020.  Carbon–nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation – Part 2: Untangling climatic, edaphic, management and nitrogen deposition effects on carbon sequestration potentials. Biogeosciences. 17(6)
Móring A, Jeffrey R, Shahnaz F, Roshan E.  2020.  A celebratory video for the 2nd anniversary of the Colombo Declaration in preparation for Rediscovering Nitrogen at COP26.. :10:27.
Fowler D, Brimblecombe P, Burrows J, Heal MR, Grennfelt P, Stevenson DS, Jowett A, Nemitz E, Coyle M, Liu X et al..  2020.  A chronology of global air quality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 378(2183)
Steadman CE, Vieno M, Sutton M.  2020.  Comparison of Global Ammonia and Ammonium Nitrate Budgets between the Models EMEP and UKCA-CLASSIC. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2020.
Wertz J.  2020.  The Contaminant We Can't Live Without.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Coral reefs, climate change and nitrogen pollution - Exploring the issues at Thoddoo Island. :07:02.
Guidolini J, Ometto J, Arcoverde G, Giarolla A.  2020.  Environmental Land Use Conflicts in a Macroscale River Basin: A Preliminary Study Based on the Ruggedness Number. Water. 12(5)
Katz B.G.  2020.  Exploring the Widespread Impacts of Ongoing Nitrogen Pollution.
Wertz J.  2020.  Farming’s growing problem.
Móring A.  2020.  The first year of the Colombo Declaration - A message from Prof. Mark Sutton. :01:12.
Kanter DR, Winiwarterbc W, Bodirsky BL, Bouwman L, Boyer E, Buckle S, Compton JE, Dalgaard T, de Vries W, Leclère D et al..  2020.  A framework for nitrogen futures in the shared socioeconomic pathways. Global Environmental Change. 61
Kanter DR, Chodos O, Nordland O, Rutigliano M, Winiwarter W.  2020.  Gaps and opportunities in nitrogen pollution policies around the world. Nature Sustainability. 3
Fowler D, Pyle JA, Sutton M, Williams ML.  2020.  Global Air Quality, past present and future: an introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 378(2183)
de Vries W, Winiwarter W, Bouwman L, Beusen A, Bodirsky B, Leclère D, Chang J, Leip A, Muntean M, van Dingenen R et al..  2020.  Global-scale modelling of flows and impacts of nitrogen use: Modelling approaches, Linkages and Scenarios.
Guidolini J, Ometto J, Nery TDias, Arcoverde GFelipe Bal, Giarolla A.  2020.  Hydro-geomorphological characterization of the Rio Grande Basin, Brazil, using geospatial approach. Sustainable Water Resources Management. 6
Jayaraman KS.  2020.  Indo-gangetic plains are ammonia hotspot of the world. Nature India.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Interview - UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action. :23:45.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Interview with Deepa Liyanage - Launch of the UN Global Campaign on Sustainable Nitrogen Management. :07:50.
[Anonymous].  2020.  IP University researching into enhancing crop productivity and reducing nitrogen pollution in South Asia.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Joint FAO-UNEP webinar: Nitrogen Challenges in Agri-food systems: Halve Nitrogen Waste by 2030. :1:59:20.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Joyce Msuya, UNEP - The launch of the UN Global Campaign on Sustainable Nitrogen Management. :05:04.
Sutton M, Mason KE, Bleeker A, W. Hicks K, Masso C, Raghuram N., Reis S, Bekunda M.  2020.  Just Enough Nitrogen.
Lin J, Compton JE, Clark C, Bittman S, Schwede D, Homann PS, Kiffney P, Hooper D, Bahr G, Baron JS.  2020.  Key Components and Contrasts in the Nitrogen Budget Across a U.S.-Canadian Transboundary Watershed. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 125(9, e2019JG005577)
