Flechard CR, Ibrom A, Skiba UM, de Vries W, van Oijen M, Cameron DR, Dise NB, Korhonen JFJ, Buchmann N, Legout A et al..
Carbon–nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation – Part 1: Fluxes and budgets of carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from ecosystem monitoring and modelling. Biogeosciences. 17(6)
Flechard CR, van Oijen M, Cameron DR, de Vries W, Ibrom A, Buchmann N, Dise NB, Janssens IA, Neirynck J, Montagnani L et al..
Carbon–nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation – Part 2: Untangling climatic, edaphic, management and nitrogen deposition effects on carbon sequestration potentials. Biogeosciences. 17(6)