European Nitrogen Assignment

European Nitrogen Assessment

As the major outcome of the ESF Nitrogen in Europe (or NinE) programme, the European Nitrogen Assessment (ENA in short) addresses current nitrogen issues, the cascade effects and the interactions and feedbacks. The ENA provides valuable insight for governments and other stakeholders in thebalance between the benefits of fixed nitrogen to society, against the different adverse effects of excess nitrogen in the environment.

Structure of the ENA

The ENA represents a process of scientific and policy synthesis that will provide a major review of the role of excess nitrogen on environmental problems. Based on analysis of the problems and interactions, the review explores the potential to establish integrated solutions and better communicate the implications to society.

The ENA report consists of 5 major Sections, with 26 chapters. Each chapter is written by leading international experts, comprising of Lead and Contributing Authors. Under the editorship of the Coordination Team, each chapter was submitted to international peer review.

The ENA process has contributed to bringing the different research and policy communities together, enabling the last chapters to be more synthetic across scales and issues. As a general approach workshops funded through NinE were used to develop groups of chapters. Relevant international experts were invited by the Coordination Team to lead the preparation of background documents, which were presented to these workshops.

More information about the ENA

All the book chapters can be downloaded from this site, as well as supplementary material to the chapters.



Edited by:

Mark A. Sutton, NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK)
Clare M. Howard, NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK)
Jan Willem Erisman, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (NL)
Gilles Billen, CNRS and University of Paris VI (F)
Albert Bleeker, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (NL)
Peringe Grennfelt, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (S)
Hans van Grinsven, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (NL)
Bruna Grizzetti, European Commission Joint Research Centre (I)


ISBN: 9781107006126
664 pages
51 b/w illus. 160 colour illus. 50 tables
Dimensions: 276 x 219 mm


Visit the site of Cambridge University Press for further details about obtaining a copy of the ENA



General (cover page, content, contributors, etc.)

Summary for Policy Makers

Technical Summary


Chapter 1: Introduction

Lead Author: Mark Sutton, Natural Environment Research Council, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK.


Part A - Nitrogen in Europe: the present position

Chapter 2: The European nitrogen problem in a global perspective

Lead Author: Jan Willem Erisman, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Biomass, Coal & Environmental Research.

Chapter 3: Benefits of nitrogen for food, fibre and industrial production

Joint Lead Authors: Lars Stoumann Jensen & Jan K Schjoerring, University of Copenhagen.

Chapter 4: Nitrogen in current European policies

Lead Author: Oene Oenema, Professor of 'Nutrient Management and soil fertility', in the Soil Quality section (Wageningen University), Program Leader of the Environmental Planning office / Agriculture - environment interactions Alterra, Research Institute of the Green Environment, The Netherlands

Chapter 5: The need to integrate nitrogen science and policies

Lead Author: Mark Sutton, Natural Environment Research Council, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK.


Part B - Nitrogen processing in the biosphere

Chapter 6: Nitrogen processes in terrestrial ecosystems

Joint Lead Authors: Per Gunderson, Senior Scientist, Forest & Landscape Denmark & Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Head of Research Group "Regionalisation of biogenic trace gas emissions", Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Germany

Chapter 7: Nitrogen processes in aquatic ecosystems

Joint Lead Authors: Patrick Durand, Directeur de Recherche, UMR Sol-Agronomie Spatialisation, INRA-Agrocampus Rennes, France, Lutz Breuer, Institute for Landscape Ecology and Resources Management (ILR), Germany & Penny Johnes, University of Reading.

Chapter 8: Nitrogen processes in coastal and marine ecosystems

Lead Author: Maren Voss, Head of group Stable Isotopes, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Research, Warnemünde, Germany.

Chapter 9: Nitrogen processes in the atmosphere

Lead Author: Ole Hertel, Head of Section/Senior Researcher, Aarhus University, Denmark.


Part C - Dispersion, budgets and impacts of nitrogen on different scales

Chapter 10: Nitrogen flows in farming systems across Europe

Lead Author: Steve Jarvis, University of Exeter.

Chapter 11. Nitrogen flows and fate in rural landscapes

Lead Author: Pierre Cellier, INRA Unité Mixte de Recherche INRA / AgroParisTech "Environnement et Grandes Cultures", France

Chapter 12. Nitrogen flows and fate in urban landscapes

Joint Lead Authors: Anastasia Svirejeva-Hopkins, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany & Stefan Reis, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK.

Chapter 13. Nitrogen flows from European watersheds to coastal marine waters

Lead Author: Gilles Billen, UMR Sisyphe, CNRS/UPMC, France.

Chapter 14: Atmospheric transport and deposition of nitrogen in Europe

Lead Author: David Simpson, EMEP MSC-W, Norwegian Meteorological Inst. & Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Chapter 15. Geographic variation in terrestrial nitrogen budgets across Europe

Lead Author: Wim de Vries, Alterra, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands

Chapter 16: Integrating nitrogen fluxes at the European scale

Lead Author: Adrian Leip, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Climate Change Unit, Ispra, Italy.


Part D - Managing nitrogen in relation to key societal issues

Chapter 17: Nitrogen as a threat to European water quality

Lead Author: Bruna Grizzetti, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy.

Chapter 18: Nitrogen as a threat to European air quality

Lead Authors: Peringe Grennfelt & John Munthe, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd Sweden.

Chapter 19: Nitrogen as a threat to the European greenhouse balance

Lead Author: Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Head of Research Group "Regionalisation of biogenic trace gas emissions", Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Germany.

Chapter 20: Nitrogen as a threat to European terrestrial biodiversity

Lead Author: Nancy Dise, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

Chapter 21: Nitrogen as a threat to European soil quality

Lead Author: Gerard Velthof, Soil Science Centre, ALTERRA - Research Institute for the Green World, The Netherlands.


Part E - European nitrogen policies and future challenges

Chapter 22. Costs and benefits of nitrogen in the environment

Lead Author: Corjan Brink & Hans van Grinsven, Senior Researcher, Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Areas, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Netherlands.

Chapter 23. Integrated approaches to nitrogen management

Lead Author: Oene Oenema, Professor of 'Nutrient Management and soil fertility', in the Soil Quality section (Wageningen University), Program Leader of the Environmental Planning office / Agriculture - environment interactions Alterra, Research Institute of the Green Environment, The Netherlands.

Chapter 24: Future scenarios of nitrogen in Europe

Lead Author: Wilfried Winniwarter, IIASA.

Chapter 25: Coordinating European nitrogen policies between directives and international conventions

Lead Author: Keith Bull, CEH, UK.

Chapter 26: Societal choice and communicating the European nitrogen challenge

Lead Author: David Reay, Lecturer in Carbon Management, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK.


