Nitrogen pollution: Neglected menace |
2019 |
The Economic Times |
Nitrogen: The environmental crisis you haven’t heard of yet |
2021 |
Mongabay |
Odessa scientists want to reduce nitrogen pollution and benefit from it |
2019 |
Observer |
Oh nitrogen, how little we know you |
2021 |
Daily Financial Times |
Opinion: Why care about nitrogen and ecosystem restoration? |
2021 |
UN Decade On Ecosystem Restoration |
Over 150 top Scientists seek global action on reactive nitrogen |
2019 |
Indus Dictum |
Poo overload: Northern Ireland could be forced to export a third of its animal waste |
2021 |
The Guardian |
President attends ‘Rediscovering Nitrogen’ side-event at COP26 |
2021 |
The President's Office, Republic of the Maldives |
Reaction to Government's Clean Air Strategy |
2019 |
Medscape UK |
Reducing nitrogen pollution requires joined-up efforts to avoid ecological mayhem |
2020 |
Modern Diplomacy |
Reducing nitrogen pollution requires joined-up efforts to avoid ecological mayhem |
2020 |
Researchers discover method to enhance nitrogen use efficiency in Paddy |
2021 |
Krishi Jargan |
Resolution Adopted for Sustainable Management of Reactive Nitrogen |
2021 |
Delhi Post |
Resolution on nitrogen can lead to a carbon-like framework |
2019 |
Down to Earth |
Satellite Data Detects Hundreds of New Sources of Ammonia Pollution |
2018 |
Smithsonian Magazine |