Activity 4.2 - INMS Training, Diffusion and International Relations, Including Nitrogen Footprinting
Task 4.2.1 enables the uptake of the results of the targeted research in the project on measurement, modelling and mitigation techniques. Both formal and informal training options are being explored for delivery and the most suitable method agreed upon during the project. This Task is also providing an opportunity to link and showcase other existing training for regional and national experts, along with training for other groups, e.g. extension services and engaging with the public. There are then natural links to the work on the INMS communications hub (A4.1) and the development of ‘Nitrogen Champions’ (T4.1.4) at the national and regional level. The Task is informed by the work on indicators (A1.1) as well as other arising relevant parts of the project.
Task 4.2.2 focuses on increasing international engagement between the project and countries, specifically on the links between GPA and intergovernmental processes. Links are being made with the developing work on a ‘policy arena for nitrogen’, including synthesis of key messages and engagement with both GPA and other policy processes (A4.3-4.4). As with T4.2.1, this Task also links clearly with the development of ‘Nitrogen Champions’ (T4.1.4). A network of relevant contacts within GPA and other policy processes are being developed and primed with relevant information. Key ‘policy intervention points’ such as meetings, side-events etc are being identified as key opportunities to engage on the aims and relevance of an INMS process.
The purpose of Task 4.2.3 is to share experience on N-Footprinting, which has been facilitated by the N-Calculator tool, developed in collaboration with the North American Centre of INI. The current usage and future potential of the N-Calculator is being addressed and this Task has clear links to the wider public engagement strategy for the project (T4.1.4).